A. Cancer Support Programme

Nepal has been facing health problems mostly associated with poverty and low education level, however, also with change in food habit, life style, and high consumption of tobacco and alcohol. As such, the non communicable diseases like heart diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cancer are becoming more common in recent years. Now cancer has been recognized as an important public health issue in the world.

Being diagnosed as a cancer patient is a kind of disaster in human life which ultimately destabilize life pattern of all family members. The physical as well as emotional, social and financial difficulties faced by patient and their families are major indicators of quality life.

1. Support to Patients

GKMT has a contact office within BPKMCH. This contact office serves as an easily accessible point to needy patients when they need it. Our volunteers who works at the hospital helps identifying the needy patients to provide needful support. Our volunteers also provide needful counselling to patients and their family members.  

Mrs. Brid and Mr. Niall visiting BPKMCH. Also seen on the picture are GKMT founder Mr. Gangaram Kandel and volunteers Mr. Matrika Adhikari, Mrs. Urmila AdhikarI and Mrs. Binda Shrestha Tuladhar
GKMT contact office at BPKMCH premises
Cancer patient receiving funding support for Blood Transfusion
Mrs. Brid caring a child
GKMT volutneer Mrs. Urmila handing over cheque as funding support

2. Emergency Support Programme

GKMT attempts to provide support to cancer patients  in several ways.  Emergency support programme aims to provide immediate support to needy patients. This includes  food and accommodation,  mostly temporary accommodation, arrangement for ambulance and support for funeral. From 2017 onwards, Blood Transfusion Cost Programme ( BTCS) has also been launched. 

GKMT Founder Mr. Gangaram Kandel providing support to patients

3. Hospital Support

GKMT has supported BPKMCH with Patient Beds, Medicine Cooler Box, and Wheel Chairs. Listed Below are some of the pictures. 

Posing for a group photo after handing over 4 sets of patient beds to the Hospital. The charge incurred for the beds are also borne by GKMT.
Handing over wheel chairs to BPKMCH
Handing over Blood Carrying Box

B. Cancer Prevention Programme

1. Cancer Awareness Programme

In most of the cases, cancer is curable if it early detected. It is true that cancer can be detected early stage, it can be completely cured. We need to regular participate at screening programme such as breast screening, pap smear test, cervical cancer screening and oral cancer check. Cervical cancer is most preventable cancer in least development country like Nepal. Garima Kandel Memorial Trust organizes various awareness and preventive programme . The preventive programme include training and seminar, cervical cancer screening and breast cancer screening health camps in various part of Nepal. GKMT aims to increase its level of capacity in cancer screening heath camps in coming days.

Tobacco Products are the major risk factor of Cancer and other non-communicable diseases. In Nepal every year around 27,100 people die of tobacco related diseases and 90% of them die of lung cancer. In Nepal 2 person die every hour due to the tobacco related diseases. During our awareness programme, we make it our point to educate people on very matter about tobacco.  


2. Screening for Early Detection

Cancer screening is a process where patients are examined before he/she has any symptoms. Screening will help find cancer at an early stage , sometimes even before symptoms appear. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it is easier to treat or cure. GKMT organizes various campaigns to carry out these screening tests.  

C. Educational Support Programme

Under this programme, GKMT provides scholarships and sponsorship to poor and under privileged children. This also includes providing educational materials such as books, stationary and sports materials. 

GKMT scholarship recipients and their guardians
Certificate and excellence and scholorship
Two students get Garima Kandel excellence award 2018 at Madan Smarak Higher Secondary School, Lalitpur
Stationary Distribution Programme

D. Other

1. Relief Distribution

Relief distribution materials help elderly, vulnerable and children in some way.  

Relief Package being distributed to poor mothers and their babies.
Relief Package included double bed size blanket, woolen shawl, set of baby cloth, baby food and Rs.3000 cash.

2. Small Support to Save "Manoj Niure Life Campaign"

Garima Kandel Memorial Trust supported Rs 15000 to Manoj Niure Bachau Abhiyan( Save Manoj Niure Life Campaigns). Manoj 20 years young from Chitwan, is diagnosed with Bone Marrow Cancer . He is under taking treatment at Apollo Hospital, India. Since it needs substantial amount of money and his family does not have enough money for this.

Ganga Prasad Niure, Manoj's grand father receiving cheque worth Rs. 15000